personal photo



about me

4 years of commercial experience

Team player as well as independent worker

Have experience of onboarding new team members

Forest lover. Bookworm


location icon Warsaw, Poland

core skills

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Redux | MobX
  • HTML | CSS


  • English B2
  • Polish A2
  • Russian Native



IBA Group training — 2023


IBA Group training — 2022


IBA Group training — 2021

JS / FE course

Rolling Scopes School — 2021

Bachelor of Law

Institute of Law — 2018

work experience

Frontend developer
September 2021 - to the present
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IBA Group
  • Development of web applications from the scratch
  • Extending of existing apps with new features
  • Cover code with unit and integration tests
  • Participation of SCRUM ceremonies
  • Participation of demo sessions for stakeholders and presenting new features
  • Onboarding of new team members
  • Code review
  • Write technical documentation
Web specialist
June 2020 - July 2021
duck icon
Delius-Terra ALC.
  • Maintaining of the web application built with WordPress: content update, adding of new pages, deleting of unused ones
  • Migration WordPress app to React + Redux
  • Cover code with unit and integration tests
  • Write technical documentation

additional skills

  • Web development: SASS, Angular, Ant Design, Material UI, Tailwind CSS, IBM Carbon Components, Redux toolkit, Formik, React forms, Styles-components, Vite
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • Testing: Jest, Enzyme, React testing library
  • Basic knowledge: Python, Java, Node.js, GraphQL, REST
  • Other skills: Git | GitHub | GitLab, npm | yarn, Docker, Podman, Figma, Jenkins, Allure reporting, Postman

code examples

                            function capital(capitals) {
                                return item => {
                                    return `The capital of ${item['country'] || item['state']} is ${item['capital']}`;
                            function finalGrade (grade, projects) {
                                switch (true) {
                                    case grade > 90 || projects > 10:
                                        return 100;
                                    case grade > 75 && projects >= 5:
                                        return 90;
                                    case grade > 50 && projects >= 2:
                                        return 75;
                                        return 0;
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learning projects